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The Kitchen Table

Centered around the experiences of a coal mining family, "The Kitchen Table" is an original one person show about identity, family, memory and loss. The kitchen table serves as a locus from which stories emerge, relationships form and transform, and meaning is created.  The production runs approximately one and a half hours.

God Spelled Backwards:

Rescues and Revelations

A performance of original poetry that investigates and celebrates our relationship with dogs. The program can be adapted to varying time limitations.  The poems are part of a collection of poetry available on Amazon entitled "God Spelled Backwards:  Rescues and Revelations" by Sharon Bebout Carr. I would be happy to incorporate a poetry reading with a book signing for animal rescue organizations, with part of the proceeds from the sale of the book to be donated to your organization.  A video of one of me reading one of the poems from the book is included below.


Custom Designed Programs

I am happy to design a program around your own theme or special event.  Please contact me for details.

A World of Story

A performance of stories from different parts of the world.  Some of the folktales I most frequently use come from Haiti, Russia, different parts of Africa, Scotland, Korea and parts of the Middle East.  The program runs about 45 minutes to an hour, but can be expanded if desired. 

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